Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that cannot be completely cured. The disease requires symptomatic therapy to reduce the severity of the manifestations and improve well-being. Psoriasis of the hands is a common localization of the pathology. It starts with the appearance of small plaques and can progress without proper treatment.

Causes and mechanism of development
Psoriatic plaques on the hands, especially on the fingers, have a significant impact on quality of life. Despite the fact that the disease is not contagious, strange skin defects are alarming. Psoriasis is not the most pleasant disease and not only because it seems so, but also because of the risk of complications.
The exact etiology of the appearance of this dermatological disease is not clear. Experts identify risk factors that may influence the development of pathology. It is known that psoriasis is not transmitted by contact, it cannot be infected by contact with the patient.
It is also important that it cannot be completely cured, which is why a person is forced to take maintenance drugs throughout his life and carefully monitor the condition of the skin at different times of the year. Frequent exacerbations occur in spring and winter. Scientists include the following factors for the development of the disease:
- genetic predisposition;
- immune deficiencies, reduced protective function of the body;
- frequent skin lesions of viral, fungal, bacterial origin;
- abrupt change in climatic conditions;
- chronic skin diseases, including congenital anomalies;
- long-term use of certain drugs, in particular anticonvulsants, antidepressants and steroid hormones;
- psycho-emotional overload;
- metabolic disorders in the body.
Psoriatic plaques on the hands begin to appear in the area of the small joints, between the fingers, near the phalanges. The pathological elements are more visible on the surface of the palms. It is most difficult to treat psoriasis from such a localization, as the hands are often in contact with household chemicals and other irritants.

Risk group
The risk group for developing the disease includes men and women who often face other dermatological diseases. The likelihood of the disease increases when there are already cases of psoriasis in the family.
The pathology can occur in people with weakened immunity, in those who live in unsatisfactory living conditions. The risk group also includes those who, due to their activities, are forced to come into contact with aggressive chemicals.
Clinical manifestations
The first signs in the initial stage of the disease will be single pathological elements in the hands. Plaques may appear on the hands, fingers, and back of the palms. If the nails are involved in the pathological process, there is a risk of loss of sensitivity and swelling of the tissues.
Increased dryness of the skin causes cracks in the palms. There are signs of thickening of the epidermis, which looks like calluses.

The main manifestations of psoriasis on the hands will be:
- increased dryness, pronounced redness of the skin;
- thickening of the epidermis, increase in the volume of the fingers due to edema;
- Cracking when the poster cracks
- sometimes there is a fusion of several elements with damage to healthy skin.
In winter and autumn, when cold days prevail, the disease manifests itself as intense peeling of the skin. Without treatment, it is possible to scratch your hands with an infection, after which the symptoms are complemented by signs of inflammation.
Forms of pathology

Psoriasis on the hands can take several forms:
- On your toes. Manifested by peeling, the formation of plaques, which are often inflamed. Deterioration occurs in winter. It often leads to complications.
- On the brushes. Occurs in 25% of patients, the symptoms are similar to psoriasis on the fingers, while the skin in the affected area becomes rough, there are areas of redness. The patient complains of constant discomfort, active peeling, itching.
- Palmar Plantation. It occurs in people who engage in hard physical labor. The feet and palms are affected. Areas with rough skin look like hard calluses and cracks often appear.
- Arthropathic. Psoriasis occurs against the background of joint damage. The elements of the rash are located in the phalanges. In addition to external manifestations, the patient worries about joint pain during movement and then at rest.
- Pustular. The palms and soles of the feet are affected. Stress and hormonal pathologies become risk factors. The rash has clear borders and pustules appear. The disease is often recurrent and difficult to treat.

Each form of the disease proceeds in three successive stages - initial, progressive and stationary. After one cycle (going through 3 stages) the regression of the disease begins. At this stage, the clinical signs almost completely disappear. Treatment is aimed at prolonging the regression stage as much as possible, otherwise the disease cycle repeats itself again and again.
Differential diagnosis
Psoriasis in the hands is differentiated by pathologies such as lichen planus, Reiter's disease, syphilis, seborrheic and atopic dermatitis.
The hallmark of psoriasis during the test will be the psoriatic triad, the presence of which the doctor can diagnose. It includes the phenomena of stearin stain, spotting and terminal film.
Methods of treatment
Although psoriasis cannot be completely eliminated, it must be treated to avoid complications and improve quality of life.
The main measures for the treatment of psoriasis of the hands:
- the use of skin care products to moisturize and soften the skin;
- taking antihistamines to relieve itching;
- taking medicines to boost immunity;
- additional use of homeopathic medicines.
Physiotherapy and photochemotherapy may be prescribed for psoriatic lesions. When psoriasis is accompanied by joint disease, painkillers from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used.
Depending on the stage of the disease, the dermatologist will prescribe topical anti-inflammatory drugs. These can be salicylic, ichthyol, sulfur-tar ointments. Hormonal ointments can be used to quickly relieve the symptoms of severe itching; they cannot be used without a doctor's permission.
To soften and moisturize, you can use baby creams for sensitive skin that contain herbal ingredients.
Prevention measures
General preventive measures to prevent exacerbations of psoriasis on the hands:
- the use of rubber gloves when cleaning the house when you need to come into contact with detergents and detergents;
- rejection of bad habits, good sleep and balanced diet;
- daily care of the skin of the hands with the help of natural cosmetics or pharmaceutical preparations;
- regular sunbathing, frequent ventilation at home, walking in the fresh air, avoiding stress;
- treatment of the skin with an antiseptic in case of accidental damage (when dressing the wound for a long time is not recommended);
- adherence to the Pegano diet, which includes limiting meat dishes, pastries and adding more grains, vegetables and herbs to the diet.
Prognosis of the disease
The unpleasant psoriatic rash on the hands causes stress to many sufferers. At the same time, the experiences only make the situation worse. Psoriasis can regress for a long time, but for this you must follow the therapeutic and preventive measures prescribed by your doctor.
It is impossible to completely get rid of psoriasis, but proper skin care, diet and the use of special creams will hide the symptoms of the disease as much as possible. Regardless of the manifestations of the disease, it is recommended to visit a dermatologist every few months to monitor the dynamics of the disease and adjust the treatment regimen if the condition requires it.