Comprehensive treatment of psoriasis at home

Treatment alone is not enough to treat psoriasis in different parts of the body. Only the integrated approach will give the greatest result. Therefore, you need to know all possible ways to treat a dermatological disease.

Principles of treatment of psoriasis

Before you start fighting psoriasis, you need to keep in mind that it is incurable. Therapy is aimed at combating symptoms, restoring the body's defenses and the ability to establish a stable clinical remission.

Principles of treatment of psoriasis

The principles of treatment consist of several areas:

  • drug therapy;
  • physiotherapy (used in combination with other forms of treatment);
  • non-traditional alternative treatment;
  • traditional medicine.

In the treatment of psoriasis it is very important to take into account the individual characteristics of each organism. What works effectively for one patient does not always work for another. Every patient diagnosed with psoriasis requires seriously considered treatment and special care.

Drug therapy for psoriasis

Outdoor facilities

Topical preparations are used to eliminate inflammation, itching, swelling and other symptoms of psoriasis. These include:

  • ointments;
  • cream;
  • lotions;
  • sprays;
  • gels.

Such agents should be used in mild to moderate forms of the disease. In severe forms, in most cases, such drugs are used together with other strong drugs. In this case, the doctor must determine the severity of the disease, take into account the individual intolerance to a particular drug. External drugs can be used in patients of any age.

Ointments and creams are widely used in medical practice, which are divided into hormonal and hormone-free. It is better to use non-hormonal drugs as they have no side effects. However, in some cases, such drugs are not able to defeat the disease. Then you need to use hormonal drugs that perform the following actions:

  • are used purposefully, acting only on lesions;
  • ointments stop the development and spread of lesions;
  • penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis;
  • removing itching, flaking;
  • relieves the symptoms of allergic reactions.

Drugs from the group of glucocorticosteroids are also used for treatment, which have the following properties:

  • elimination of the inflammatory process;
  • remove itching and flaking;
  • slows down the cell division process.

Steroids can have both severe and moderate effects. In severe forms of psoriasis, drugs with strong action are prescribed, in stages of mild course - softer drugs. Topical corticosteroid treatments include:

  1. Hydrocortisone acetate. The ointment is applied to the skin surface in a thin layer. The course of treatment is from 6 to 14 days. If this is not enough, the course is extended to three weeks.
  2. Fluocinolone acetonide. Used for all stages of psoriasis. In mild and moderate severity of the disease is used as the main drug, in severe form - as an adjunct.
  3. Prednisolone ointment. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. It is applied in an even layer only on inflamed areas, which are not recommended to be bandaged.

Despite the effectiveness of treatment with hormonal drugs, unfortunately their use can cause side effects. They have a strong effect not only on the epidermis, which subsequently loses its color and becomes thinner, but when used, there is a risk of recurrence of the disease. Hormone treatment develops drug addiction, as a result of which other drugs can not help. Due to the duration of steroid use, muscle weakness, decreased blood pressure and weight and lack of appetite occur. Steroid drugs are sold in pharmacies without a prescription and are not recommended for long-term use.

The pharmaceutical industry offers a variety of hormone-free psoriasis treatments that are great at fighting symptoms without harming the body.

All non-hormonal drugs are divided into several groups:

  • Indifferent ointments (they do not contain active ingredients).

    Salicylic ointment. It has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action, softens the skin, accelerates the process of exfoliation of the stratum corneum. The ointment contains salicylic acid, which quickly removes the affected areas. The ointment should be applied topically, as allergies may occur.

    Zinc ointment. The antiseptic has a drying and protective effect, is able to relieve inflammation. The composition includes zinc oxide. It is undesirable to use the ointment for more than 30 days, as it can develop an addictive effect.

    Zinc pyrithione. The drug is based on zinc pyrithione, which copes well with the inflammatory process, has antimicrobial and antifungal action.

  • Tar ointments. The preparations include pine and birch tar. These include anthrasulfonic, anthramine ointments and colloidin, which are able to relieve inflammation, repair damaged skin and have a disinfectant. Tar-containing ointments should start with small doses. If no allergic reactions occur, the dose may be increased.
  • Ointments containing grease. These ointments are considered to be the most effective among non-hormonal agents.
  • Ointments containing vitamins. Retinol palmitate. Ointment with vitamin A. It has a healing effect, restores and normalizes metabolic processes in tissues. Calcipotriol with vitamin D has an inhibitory effect on the cells of the stratified epithelium (keratinocytes). Cannot be combined with salicylic acid ointments.
  • Products containing oil. Naphthalene ointment. The composition of the ointment contains Naphthalene oil - a substance with a very unpleasant odor, but with unique actions. Promotes rapid skin recovery, has antimicrobial, antipruritic and absorbent action.

Oral medications

One way to relieve the symptoms of the disease is to use the tablet form of the drug. It is the tablets that are able to provide the body with the necessary components. Pill treatment is much more effective than topical medications. Tablet preparations can be prescribed only by a doctor, taking into account the age and physiological characteristics of the patient. Psoriasis tablets are divided into two groups:

  • hormonal - the most effective tool, the use of which allows you to achieve positive results in a short time, but they can cause many side effects;
  • non-hormonal - perform the function of supplementing the action of essential drugs.

The appearance of psoriasis is promoted by internal causes, which are responsible for the disruption of metabolic processes in the body.

Therefore, you should turn to stronger drugs:

  1. Methotrexate. Tablets that can significantly slow down the process of cell division. It is used for pustular and erythrodermic psoriasis. It is widely used to treat psoriatic arthritis. However, it has many side effects.
  2. Meglumine sodium succinate. A new generation drug with a broad spectrum of action. It is used for severe psoriasis and is available only with a prescription.

Alternative treatments

Alternatively, drug-free methods and approaches are used. Recommended:

  • visit to thermal springs;
  • take a course of fish peeling Garra Rufa (ichthyotherapy);
  • undergo mud therapy sessions;
  • hydrotherapy with fresh water;
  • plasmapheresis;
  • massage course.

However, these methods are only effective when combined with traditional treatments.

Physiotherapy for psoriasis

Physiotherapy is an important part of treating psoriasis. Physiotherapy cannot be used in the initial stage of the disease. These methods begin to be used when the symptoms of the disease decrease and are carried out in a hospital.

Physical exposure methods include:

  • UV radiation;
  • puva therapy;
  • application of ultrasound;
  • laser treatment;
  • laser chemotherapy;
  • magnetotherapy (application of a static magnetic field);
  • exposure to cold (cryotherapy);
  • electrosleep;
  • X-ray therapy.

Diet therapy for psoriasis

Diet plays an important role in the treatment of psoriasis. It is therefore necessary to know what food should make up the patient's diet. Proper nutrition restores bowel function, helps relieve painful symptoms, strengthens the immune system and protects the body from new relapses.

Dietary therapy for psoriasis

The list of products that have a negative effect on the condition of the skin and hair:

  1. Smoked and salted foods. The components contained in the products affect the functioning of the digestive tract, can adversely affect the condition of the epidermis.
  2. Citrus fruits. A large amount of essential oils are found in the flower peel (peel) of the fruit, due to which the juices produced by the industrial method have a negative effect on the patient's condition.
  3. Nuts. They are a strong allergen.
  4. Fatty foods.
  5. Alcoholic beverages. They disrupt the work of the liver, which can not cope with the purification of the blood from toxic substances, which adversely affects the condition of the dermis.
  6. Chocolate and cocoa products are potent allergens.
  7. Products with high dye content.

The psoriasis diet should include:

  • vegetables and fruits;
  • cereals;
  • dairy products;
  • fish;
  • chicken;
  • green.

Psoriasis requires drinking plenty of fluids. You should drink up to two liters a day.

Recipes for traditional medicine for psoriasis

Effective treatment of psoriasis is possible through traditional medicine. These can be home-made products for internal use:

  • medicinal decoctions and infusions;
  • tablets and powders;
  • means with many components.

Flaxseed tincture. Helps cleanse the body of toxic substances, slows the development of the disease. Pour 20 g of seeds in a thermos, pour boiling water (250 ml). Drink activated charcoal (2 tablets) at bedtime. In the morning on an empty stomach drink tincture, eat seeds.

Decoction of bay leaf. Effective at the first signs of psoriasis. Cut the bay leaves with boiling water. Allow to cool and strain.

mushroom chaga birch. The active ingredients contained in chaga restore the condition of the epidermis. The sponge (100 g) is flooded with hot water (1 l) overnight. In the morning, the mushroom is ground with a blender in a mixture resembling a pulp in density. Bring the broth to 40 degrees, pour the chopped sponge. Insist for three days.

Chaga birch sponge

For external use are used:

  • homemade ointments;
  • shampoos;
  • collection of medicinal herbs.

For more effective treatment, herbal ointments should be applied to the affected areas of the body.

Propolis ointment. Grind 20 g of propolis and add 350 g of oil. Heat in a water bath. Strain. Apply to the sites of localization of the plaques. Store in the refrigerator.

Ointment from birch buds. Grind birch buds (100 g). Mix with tar (180 g) and ash (50 g). Stir until smooth. Rub into the affected area, wrap with cling film.

Therapeutic baths at home are also useful in psoriasis. Mix the string and the celandine (100 g each) and pour three liters of water. Dissolve the sea salt. Leave to simmer for an hour. Pour in warm bath water.

For a healing procedure, you can apply blue clay by combining it with sea salt. After taking such a bath, the skin becomes very soft.

Effective treatments

Treatment of elbow psoriasis should be performed in a complex that includes the following:

  • intake of vitamins;
  • diet;
  • external treatment;
  • physiotherapy;
  • phototherapy.

Topical medications (ointments, creams) are used to treat knee disease. Perhaps the appointment of sedatives and antihistamines for complex treatment. In case of heavy bleeding, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

The treatment of psoriasis on the palms and soles of the feet is quite problematic. This is mainly due to constant irritation of these parts as a result of rubbing with clothes and frequent washing. If treatment with external agents does not give a positive result, then ultraviolet radiation is prescribed.


Treatment of psoriasis in remission

After the onset of remission, all recommendations should be followed to maintain this condition and prevent recurrence of the disease. To prevent psoriasis for a long time, you should take into account that:

  1. You cannot stop the treatment, but continue to take the prescribed medication.
  2. Do not use new medicines other than those prescribed.
  3. It is necessary to eliminate the symptoms of infectious diseases in time.
  4. During remission, try not to hurt the skin.
  5. Avoid nervous breakdowns.
  6. Don't sunbathe too much.
  7. Avoid contact with chemicals.
  8. Try to wear only natural materials.
  9. Observe skin care.
During this period, all recommended methods and means should be applied to prevent further progression of the disease.