Dr. DERM Cream

Treatment of psoriasis

Cream Dr. DERM

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# 1 anti-psoriasis remedy in Romania

Dr. DERM is a new innovative cream to combat the manifestations of psoriasis. It not only relieves symptoms for only a few applications, but also restores the skin's normal protective function. Remission will come for a long time if Dr. DERM will be with you.

The best price for which you can order a cream in Romania is offered by the official website. Today, healthy skin without psoriasis costs only L159. 50% discount will be available for those who are in a hurry to order a product against psoriasis as soon as possible, because the quantity of goods is limited!

Psoriasis rules out normal life

Exacerbation of psoriasis makes life impossible

Many people in Romania are familiar with the problem of psoriasis. Psoriasis is a chronic, recurrent skin disorder with unpleasant symptoms. This is not a contagious disease, but rather a consequence of autoimmune insufficiency. However, it is associated with constant physical discomfort and a disgusting appearance of damaged skin. Having such symptoms, psoriasis makes you forget about normal life for a long time.

For people suffering from this condition, physical illnesses are complicated by the complexity of social communication. Excessive dryness, redness, peeling and plaque on the skin in people who do not participate, cause fear and disgust. The external terrible condition of the skin makes people afraid of infection and avoid contact.

In fact, it's hard for a person looking outside to believe that psoriasis is not contagious. However, people with immune disorders often lose self-esteem and have significant difficulty building relationships and finding work. Unfortunately, Romania has not made progress in understanding this issue. Psoriasis is difficult to treat and often unsuccessful attempts lead to prolonged depression.

Dr. DERM effectively fights psoriasis

Modern medicine is ready to offer an effective solution to combat psoriasis, called Dr. DERM. Due to its natural composition, Dr. DERM easily eliminates the unpleasant symptoms that accompany psoriasis and provides long-term remission. Starting from the first application, the active components of the cream penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and immediately begin to act.

Once in the deep layers of the epidermis, the cream has a complex effect: it softens, moisturizes and relieves inflammation, helping to deal with symptoms. More important, however, is the fact that it normalizes cellular metabolism and activates the skin's natural protective properties. As a result, the improvements achieved can last a long time, with the exception of exacerbations.

Benefits of Dr. DERMs are obvious:

Impaired skin protective function

Skin is our protective barrier from the external environment. It prevents the penetration of parasites and microorganisms into the human body, and also protects against solar radiation, temperature fluctuations and dehydration. When the external environment is aggressive, the cells of the epidermis cause a reaction that attracts leukocytes to the site of infection. So the local immunity extinguishes the threat by not allowing it to enter the body.

However, in the case of psoriasis, the immune response is excessive. In the process of regeneration, cells divide extremely quickly without having time to go through a full life cycle. Metabolic disorders occur at the sites of their layering and foci of inflammation are formed. During the period of exacerbation, the affected area extends to large areas of skin. Improper therapy can only make matters worse. Psoriasis affects not only the skin physically, but also mentally exhausts a person, in addition, there is a risk of secondary infection.

Psoriasis is accompanied by constant itching

Reasons to start Dr. DERMATION immediately:

Triple action for healthy skin

Dr. DERM works comprehensively, while relieving the symptoms of psoriasis, regenerating and restoring the normal immune response, so that the skin can perform its protective function again. The very first application gives quick relief of symptoms.

Acute symptom management

At this stage it is necessary to moisturize, cool and soothe inflamed skin. Dr. DERM works in a complex way, relieving the feeling of discomfort after the first applications. Itching, redness and peeling stop.

Back to Health

To restore the aesthetic appearance, Dr. DERM moisturizes and softens the skin, making it smoother and relieving swelling. The started regeneration processes even remove scars and age spots that psoriasis leaves in the affected area.

Recurrence Prevention

Restores damaged layers of the epidermis

Dr. DERM improves skin elasticity and strengthens its fibers. By activating the natural immunity, it is possible to restore the damaged layers of the epidermis at the cellular level.

Formula for success inside

  • Shea Butter

    Has anti-edema and anti-inflammatory effects. It relieves dry skin and promotes gentle removal of rough skin areas, and also eliminates the itching that invariably accompanies psoriasis.

  • White down oil

    Provides complete nutrition and hydration to damaged skin, eliminating dryness and preventing flaking. Improves skin tone, makes skin smooth and supple.

  • Dry aloe extract

    Contains a large number of substances with bactericidal, regenerating and healing effects. It saturates with moisture, promotes the active regeneration of cellular structures, due to which the skin regains its previous aesthetic appearance in a short time.

  • Golden Mustache

    A powerful antioxidant that reduces swelling and inflammation of the skin. It contains a complex of essential trace elements and active biological substances that can suppress the excessive division of skin cells and stop psoriasis.

  • Sage

    Helps to easily relieve pain and itching that accompanies psoriasis, relieves inflammation and disinfects damaged tissues.

Ordering a cream now means restoring skin health in the near future

It is important to choose the right treatment for psoriasis

Dr. DERM is a universal natural gel that helps with all types of psoriasis. Use Dr. DERM for the prevention of psoriasis, because only he:

  1. Eliminates flaking and itching after the first application.
  2. Removes plaque from skin.
  3. Restores skin health in one course of application.
  4. Prevents recurrence of the disease.
  5. Restores a security barrier.

800 volunteers in a scientific experiment in 2018 confirmed the effectiveness of Dr. DERM, using their example.

Stops the spread of psoriasis

95% agree

Intensively heals damaged skin

83% agree

Relieves psoriasis symptoms

88% agree

Don't put up with the unaesthetic and painful manifestations of psoriasis, because the only thing that separates you from the cure is the decision to order the medicine №1 against psoriasis in Romania on our official website. Psoriasis will no longer bother you if Dr. DERM will be there.

The right solution can also be helpful if you can buy Dr. DERM at a reduced price. There is a 50% discount for a limited batch of goods and the price will be only L159 (what is the price in other countries) for those who have time to place an order on the site.

Doctor's review

Doctor Dermatologist Constantin Constantin
20 years
Psoriasis is not completely cured. The methods based on hormone therapy and immunosuppressants, which are now practiced in Romania, have serious side effects - addiction, skin atrophy and cancer. Natural creams are extremely easy to use and completely safe. The best medicine I recommend to my patients is Dr. DERM. Its main advantage is the lack of addictive chemical components and steroids. The cream is not only effective in eliminating the symptoms of psoriasis, but is also able to cause long-term remission.